Community Resources
for Deloraine and Waskada
If you are looking for help with your housecleaning, yard work, home maintenance, personal care, or medical care, you've come to the right spot. Below are the contact numbers for local resources. If you don't see a number listed, please check back as it will be updated frequently. If you don't see a needed resource, please contact the SOS office directly.
Deloraine, MB

Deloraine - Meals on Wheels
Cost $8.55reg OR $9.55lg per meal
Delivery: Monday, Wednesday, Friday between 4:30-5:30
Sign up at the SOS Office in person or by phone

Deloraine - Co-op Grocery Delivery
Cost: $5.00
Dates: Tuesday and Friday
Please place your order before noon.
Did you know, you can come and do your own shopping and have it delivered right to your kitchen!
Curbside pick up is free!
To place your order call Jamie at the Co-op - 204-747-2316

Deloraine - Free Pharmacy Delivery
Cost: FREE (no limits or restrictions)
To place your order, call Hasselfield Drugs: 204-747-2648

Deloraine - Congregate Meals
Cost: 5 meal tickets for $40.00 ($8.00/meal)
Location: Centennial Apartments
RSVP before 10am the day before by calling 204-747-2299. Ask for Louise.

Deloraine - Handi Van
Cost: $6.00 + $0.66/KM per person
Contact Wayne Wilson - 204-522-5732

Deloraine - Home Care
The following services may be available based on the assessment completed by the Case Coordinator:
Assessment and Care Planning for Home Care services, including Palliative Care, and/or Personal Care Home Placement, including Supportive Housing.
Case Management/ Case Coordination
Assistance with Personal Care and Activities of Daily Living
Nursing Care - ie treatments, dressing, etc
Respite Care - to relieve primary caregivers through in home respite or respite in a designated bed in facility.
Adult Day Program - a structured community based program providing social stimulation to individuals and respite to caregivers.
Therapy Services - assessment in client's home by physiotherapist or occupational therapist.
Equipment/Medical Supplies - to support the provision of care at home
Home Oxygen Program - the provision of oxygen concentrators and professional follow up for eligible individuals who require continuous oxygen.
Supportive Housing - provides access to 24-hour support and supervision within a group setting for frail and/or cognitively impaired persons who can no longer safely manage in the community with the support of family and the Home Care programs but are not yet ready for Personal Care Home placement.
For more information, contact the SOS office - 204-747-3283
Waskada, MB